How Should I Manage Heel Pain at Home?

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Loss of natural padding on the bottom of the foot is common as we age. If this is the case, it is important to take steps to manage any pain and tenderness caused by this condition. Board-certified podiatric surgeon Dr. Suzanne Levine can make recommendations about at-home care during a foot assessment in New York City, NY. We also offer an innovative procedure called Stiletto RX®: Pillows For Your Feet®.

A combination of home remedies and in-office treatments from a trained specialist can address heel pain. Call Millennium Podiatry to schedule an appointment and learn more about your options.

What causes heel pain?

There are many possible causes of heel discomfort, and it can be difficult to determine the exact source without a professional evaluation. However, one common cause is a loss of natural cushioning in the heel as we age. This is especially prevalent among women.

When the fat pads in your heels become thinner, they are not able to protect the bones as effectively, leading to problems, like tenderness and swelling. Pain can become more pronounced when wearing heels and stilettos or when standing for long periods of time.

How do you manage heel pain at home?

Depending on your health and the cause of your issue, Millennium Podiatry can provide detailed instructions to help you find pain relief at home. Some tips for managing heel discomfort in New York City, NY, include:

  • Resting: Avoid activities that put stress on your feet to promote healing. Put away high heels and switch to comfortable shoes with custom insoles.

  • Ice: Apply a clean and covered ice pack to the affected area to reduce excess swelling. Ice can be applied for 15 minutes at a time, several times a day, depending on your symptoms.

  • Stretching: Gentle stretching exercises may improve flexibility and reduce tension in the foot. Dr. Levine is a podiatric surgeon and can provide simple stretching exercises to try at home.

  • Elevation: Keeping your feet elevated above your heart may address inflammation. Prop your feet up on a firm pillow when sitting or lying down.

  • Over-the-counter medication: Pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, may provide temporary relief from foot pain. It is best to check with a medical professional before taking any new medication.

What are some in-office treatments for heel pain?

At-home remedies may not be enough to address chronic or severe heel discomfort. In addition to at-home care, Millennium Podiatry offers comprehensive in-office treatment options for heel pain. Stiletto RX: Pillows For Your Feet is an injection-based treatment that can add natural padding to the affected area.

During this simple procedure, Dr. Levine administers a trusted product called Sculptra™ into the bottom of the foot. These injections encourage collagen production and create new padding for the area. Patients notice immediate improvements and are free to return to normal activities virtually free from pain and other symptoms.

Provide comfort to your feet

Heel pain can make it difficult to get through your day-to-day routines. With proper care from Millennium Podiatry, you can find relief and get back to your favorite activities. Call our office in New York City, NY, to meet with board-certified podiatric surgeon Dr. Suzanne Levine. We look forward to helping you achieve optimal foot health through at-home solutions and Stiletto RX: Pillows For Your Feet.

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